EasyEngine Vs Webinoly: A Comparative Study

If you’re diving into the world of web servers and their administration, you’re likely to encounter tools such as Webinoly and EasyEngine. These are incredibly useful applications designed to simplify the process of web server management, but you might be wondering: how do they stack up against each other? This article aims to help you answer that exact question and make an informed decision

We will delve deep into a comparative study, casting light on features, performance, and user-friendliness of both Webinoly and EasyEngine. Packed with information, the article will provide you with an easy-to-digest knowledge base to enable you to choose the tool that best suits your needs. So, buckle up and prepare for an enriching journey into the intricacies of web server tools.

Introduction: Meet Webinoly and EasyEngine

When it comes to website management, two popular tools often come to mind: Webinoly and EasyEngine. Both of these powerful platforms are designed to streamline the process of managing WordPress sites, but each offers a unique set of features and advantages. So, how do you decide which is right for you? That’s where this article comes in. We’re here to lay out a comprehensive comparison of Webinoly and EasyEngine, to assist you in making the most educated decision for your specific needs. 

Understanding Webinoly 

Webinoly, an open-source tool, is famous for its optimal LEMP stack setup. With this, you are guaranteed a faster and secure website. The setup process doesn’t require vast technical knowledge, as it uses command lines that are easy to understand. Additionally, it supports the latest versions of PHP, making it a great fit if you require current software compatibility. 

Prominent Features of Webinoly 

  • Highly optimized server setup
  • HTTPS support with free SSL certificates
  • Automatic backups and data protection
  • Easy-to-use commands and directives

Digging into EasyEngine 

On the other hand, we have EasyEngine—an open-source tool, as well, designed for managing WordPress sites using Nginx. It’s praised for speeding up websites dramatically with its robust caching mechanisms, and its simplicity makes it a delightful tool to use for both tech-savvy users and beginners alike. 

Noteworthy Features of EasyEngine 

  • Flexible WordPress site setup
  • Ready-to-use caches, including FastCGI, Redis, and more
  • SSL support with Let’s Encrypt integration
  • One-command site creation and management

Webinoly and EasyEngine: A Comparative Analysis 

Both Webinoly and EasyEngine are powerful website management tools, but they cater to different needs. If you’re focused on server optimization and easy commands, Webinoly should be your go-to. Conversely, if blazing-fast site speed and ease-of-use are critical to you, EasyEngine may prove to be a better choice. Your deciding factor should be closely tied to the specific requirements of your project or business.

Installation Process: A Walkthrough

Before we dive into the installation process of both Webinoly and EasyEngine, it’s essential to understand that the process is quite straightforward in both cases. Below, we break down each step to give you a comprehensive guide on how to smoothly install these tools, showing you that you don’t need to be a tech wizard to get them up and running. 


To begin, ensure you have met all necessary prerequisites for installing both tools. This would typically include a proper internet connection, Linux OS platform, and root access to the server. Each tool may have its unique requirements, so carefully checking the product documentation page is paramount. 

Downloading the Tool 

The next step involves downloading the tool from their official websites or GitHub repositories. Both Webinoly and EasyEngine offer a straightforward download process, ensuring users like you encounter minimal friction to kick-start the installation process. 


The prime phase is the installation of the tool. Both Webinoly and EasyEngine utilize script-based installations that simplify the process. You only need to execute the scripts via the command line to install the tools. The method is designed to make the users’ life more comfortable, without wrestling with complex technical procedures. 

Setting Up 

Upon successful installation, setting up the tool comes next. This phase involves configurations to suit your preferences, like setting up your server, creating websites, and enabling SSL, among other vital tasks. Both Webinoly and EasyEngine are designed for convenience, and their setup procedures are clean and intuitive. 

Testing and Troubleshooting 

Lastly, ensure everything is working perfectly by testing the tool. Run through all major functions and ascertain they’re performing as expected. If you encounter any issues, both Webinoly and EasyEngine have robust communities native to their platforms that can help with troubleshooting and other technical aid. 

In conclusion, both Webinoly and EasyEngine offer a smooth installation process. Their straightforward procedures are designed for maximum user convenience, ensuring that you spend more time utilizing the tools and less time wrestling with the installation process.

Step-by-Step Method of Installing WordPress Using Easy Engine in Putty 

Starting the installation of Easy Engine in Putty requires a reliable and active internet connection. Once that’s confirmed, let’s begin the process. You’ll need to follow these steps closely:  

First, open Putty. Connect to your server by entering your root username and password provided by your hosting provider.  

Then, use the following command to make sure your server is up-to-date:  sudo apt-get update   

In the next step, you will download the EasyEngine installation script. The curl or wget utility can be used to download the script. Let’s go with curl:  wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee4 && sudo bash ee  

This command will download and execute the EasyEngine installation script.  

The installation process should now be in motion. Wait patiently while EasyEngine gets installed. 

You’ll be prompted to create an administrative username and password throughout the installation process. Don’t forget these credentials as you’ll be needing them for your WordPress site. 

Now, as the installation wraps up, you can double-check whether Easy Engine has been installed with the following command:  ee site create example.com --type=wp  

Replace ‘example.com’ with your actual domain name. 

If the command responds with a success message, you’ve successfully installed and set up EasyEngine on your server. Happy hosting! 

If you face any issues during the process, EasyEngine’s comprehensive documentation and troubleshooting guides should offer the help you need to rectify the problem. 

Step-by-Step Method of Installing WordPress Using Easy Engine in Putty

First off, you’ll want to ensure that Putty is installed on your device. After downloading and successfully installing it, let’s commence the process of installing WordPress using EasyEngine via Putty. 1.

Launch Putty and connect to your server. Input the server’s IP address where required, and click “Open.” 2.

Once connected, log in using your server’s username and password. 3.

Now, install EasyEngine on your server by typing the following commands and pressing enter after each one:  wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee  4.

Wait for EasyEngine to install. This might take a few minutes. 5.

Once done, let’s install WordPress using EasyEngine. Type in the following command, replacing “yourwebsite.com” with your actual domain name: sudo ee site create yourwebsite.com --wp 6.

After inputting this command, EasyEngine will commence the WordPress installation on your server. This will include creating a database, downloading and installing the WordPress core, configuring the website, installing necessary plugins, and creating an .htaccess file. Sit tight; this could take a few minutes. 7.

Once the installation has completed, EasyEngine will provide you with important information like the WordPress username, password, and the WordPress dashboard URL. Make sure you save these details. 8.

Finally, open your web browser and navigate to your domain address you’ve just installed WordPress on. If everything is done correctly, you’ll be welcomed by your brand-new WordPress website. 

That’s all there is to it! You’ve just installed WordPress on your server using EasyEngine and Putty. As with anything, practice makes perfect, and it’s only a matter of time before you master this process. Happy WordPress website building! 

Step-by-Step Method of Installing WordPress Using Webinoly in Putty

Let’s jump right into the step-by-step process of installing WordPress using Webinoly in Putty: 

  1. First off, make sure you’re logged into your system through Putty.
  2. Type the below command to download the Webinoly script: wget -qO weby qrok.es/wy && sudo bash weby 3
  3. After the script has been downloaded and run successfully, you can install WordPress on your server. For this purpose, use the following command: sudo site example.com -wp (replace ‘example.com’ with your own domain name).
  4. You’ll be asked to provide details such as site title, admin username, and password. Remember to record these details for future use.
  5. Upon successful installation, you can access your WordPress site by typing your domain name into the browser.

I hope this helps! Remember, the installation process may differ slightly based on your specific server configuration or the version of Webinoly you’re using, so this guide is a generalized instruction. Always refer to the official Webinoly documentation for the most accurate information.

Features and Functionality: What Sets Them Apart

When choosing the right tool for automating your web server management tasks, it’s essential to consider the unique features and functionalities of each option. Here, we delve into the distinct characteristics that set Webinoly and EasyEngine apart, aiding you in making an informed choice. 

Performance Optimization 

Webinoly provides an edge with its robust performance optimization features. It supports HTTP/2, offers effortless SSL integration and strictly follows HTTP protocols for superior performance. Conversely, while EasyEngine does optimize for performance, it lacks these customization options, primarily focusing on ease-of-use instead. 

Technology Stack 

Another major distinguishing factor is the technology stack. Webinoly and EasyEngine both use an optimized stack with Nginx, PHP, MySQL and Redis. However, EasyEngine goes a step further, offering Docker support for better isolation of services, scalability, and deployment facilitation. 

User Friendliness 

EasyEngine is specifically designed with beginners in mind, thus providing a more user-friendly and straightforward interface. Webinoly, on the other hand, offers more advanced features, making it better suited for users with some background knowledge in server management. 

Support and Documentation 

Robust documentation and effective user support is vital for any tool, and this is where Webinoly shines. It offers extensive documentation coupled with a helpful community. On the flip side, EasyEngine does offer solid documentation but falls a little short when it comes to user community and support. 

Development and Updates 

When it comes to updates and ongoing development, both Webinoly and EasyEngine have their strengths. Webinoly provides regular updates that encompass stability improvements and feature enhancements. On the other hand, EasyEngine offers fewer updates but is known for rolling out feature-rich, impactful upgrades. 

Performance: Which One Takes the Lead

Now that we’ve discussed the features and installation processes of both Webinoly and EasyEngine, let’s dive deeper into their performance. A tool’s efficiency isn’t only about its rich feature set, but also how fast and reliable those functionalities are in real world usage. 


Speed is often a deciding factor when choosing a web server management tool. Whether it’s loading a web page or carrying out server operations, a lightning fast response not only enhances user experience but also significantly boosts productivity. Comparing Webinoly and EasyEngine in terms of speed, both perform admirably with slight differences in specific areas. 


Reliability often gets weighed alongside speed. Both Webinoly and EasyEngine have proven themselves to be dependable tools, not prone to crashes or breakdown in the midst of critical tasks. However, it’s important to note that the reliability of these tools largely depends on the server environment and the specific configurations in use. 

Resource Consumption 

The number of resources consumed by a tool directly affects server performance. Ideally, web server management tools should perform efficiently without hogging the system resources. A comparison of resource usage by EasyEngine and Webinoly shows distinct differences, which could be a deciding factor based on the capacity of your server. 

Scaling and Load Handling 

As your websites grow in capacity or encounter sudden traffic surges, you’ll want a tool that scales gracefully. An ideal web server tool should handle increased loads without buckling under pressure. Here, the scalability of Webinoly and EasyEngine would be tested and compared. 


An efficient tool should be both high-performing and flexible. For users with specific needs or those who would like to tweak the system for peak performance, configurability becomes paramount. A comparative look at the customization possibilities offered by both EasyEngine and Webinoly could provide valuable insights.

Scalability and Flexibility: A Comparison

Scalability and flexibility are essential aspects when choosing a website stack management tool like Webinoly and EasyEngine. Both tools offer different capabilities that accommodate growth and adaptability to changes in your website needs. Let’s delve a little deeper into how each platform holds up in these areas. 

Webinoly’s Scalability 

Webinoly places a high emphasis on scalability. This tool efficiently handles increasing workloads and effortlessly adjusts to varying website size and audience volume. It makes use of server and HTML caching capabilities to ensure rapid response times, even during peak traffic periods. Additionally, Webinoly enables seamless integration and management of multiple websites on a single server, enhancing scalability like never before. 

EasyEngine’s Scalability 

Likewise, EasyEngine also prides itself on its scalability attributes. EasyEngine takes a commendatory step ahead with its containerization approach, using Docker for setting up environments. This approach allows you to manage separate containers for different website components, providing potential room for growth. Whether you have to handle a traffic surge or accommodate an increased size, EasyEngine has you covered. 

Flexibility with Webinoly 

When it comes to flexibility, Webinoly doesn’t disappoint. It offers a wide array of commands, letting you access and manage your servers deeply. It supports various versions of PHP, allowing you to choose the most appropriate one for your site. Additionally, Webinoly’s flexibility extends to its compatibility with a variety of databases, enabling you to work with your preferred database software. 

EasyEngine’s Flexibility 

In terms of flexibility, EasyEngine meets the mark with aplomb. Just like Webinoly, it supports multiple PHP versions and a decent selection of databases. What sets EasyEngine apart is its flexibility in handling server caching. It provides you with options such as Redis and Nginx caching, which can be configured according to the specific requirements of websites. 

Overall Assessment 

In conclusion, both Webinoly and EasyEngine demonstrate impressive scalability and flexibility characteristics, though their approaches differ. While Webinoly opts for an all-in-one solution, EasyEngine utilizes a more compartmentalized approach. Understanding your specific needs will help you choose between these two.

User Interface: Ease of Use and Navigation

 to managing websites, the user interface can play a pivotal role in determining how easy or challenging an experience it’ll be. A tool’s User Interface should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive, clear, and simple to navigate. Now, let’s delve deeper and compare Webinoly and EasyEngine in terms of their user interfaces.

User Interface of Webinoly 

Webinoly’s focus on simplicity is evident in its user interface. Even for those not tech-savvy, the layout is designed to be very straightforward, making it easy to find and use functions. Though Webinoly may lack a graphical dashboard, its command-line interface is optimized for navigability and effectiveness which might suit those with more technical experience better. 

EasyEngine’s Interface – A Closer Look 

Like Webinoly, EasyEngine primarily utilizes a command-line interface. Despite this, EasyEngine makes an effort to be user-friendly. Instructions are crisp and clear, commands are simple to grasp and use, contributing to a smoother navigation. However, those used to graphical interfaces may require time to familiarize themselves. 

Learning Curve 

Given they both use command-line interfaces, there is indeed a learning curve involved. With Webinoly, the layout might seem less intimidating at first, which makes it an industry favorite for learners. EasyEngine, albeit more complex, offers thorough documentation to guide new users. 

Function Accessibility 

Both tools have function accessibility well-designed. Webinoly’s commands are logically grouped making them easy to locate and execute. Likewise, EasyEngine uses easily remembered commands and even provides suggestions for command-line users. 

The Case of Customizability 

When it comes to customizing the user interface, both Webinoly and EasyEngine offer options—but to a limited extent, as they operate through a command-line interface. Essentially, customization is more about mastering command usage rather than altering appearance.

Compatibility: Which Platforms Are Supported

Sure, here’s the information with the format you requested.

As you continue your quest to select the perfect optimization tool for your server – both Webinoly and EasyEngine – one key consideration is compatibility. It’s essential to understand the various platforms these tools support to make a meaningful choice. 

Webinoly’s Compatibility 

Webinoly is lauded for its extensive compatibility. It supports the latest Ubuntu LTS versions: 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa), 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), and 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus). This makes it easier to work with different Ubuntu servers, widening its usage range and boosting its accessibility for users. 

EasyEngine’s Compatibility 

In comparison, EasyEngine also supports a broad spectrum of platforms. It is compatible with Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04. It also works seamlessly with Debian 8, Debian 9, and the Debian 10. The wide range of support for different versions of Ubuntu along with Debian puts it at an advantageous position. 

Support for Docker 

Another unique aspect is that EasyEngine supports Docker. This handy feature implies that you can containerize your applications, making them portable and consistent across different computing environments. Webinoly, unfortunately, doesn’t offer this level of adaptability yet. 

Support for Other Server Technologies 

When it comes to other server technologies like NGINX, both tools excel. Webinoly and EasyEngine both extend robust support to NGINX servers, without compromising on performance or efficiency. This makes both tools versatile and convenient to use in a multitude of server environments. 


In conclusion, both Webinoly and EasyEngine excel when it comes to compatibility with different platforms. However, the addition of Docker support takes EasyEngine a step above in this category. As ever, understanding your specific server environment and requirements is the key to selecting the right tool.

Security Measures: Protecting Your Website

Protecting your website from potential threats is an absolute necessity, and both Webinoly and EasyEngine take security seriously. This part of the article will delve into the layers of security features extended by these two server management tools. Remember, a secure platform does not only protect your site’s data but also contributes to its performance, credibility, and overall user trust.

Webinoly Security Measures 

Webinoly puts a strong focus on security, offering a solid and robust platform. It employs an integrated security model to ensure your hosted applications are well protected. 

  • Webinoly has an automatic Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate installation function that encrypts data traveling between the server and the users’ browsers.
  • It also offers advanced access restrictions, such as IP blocking and limiting access attempts, to prevent brute-force attacks.
  • To further boost its security, Webinoly uses HTTP authentication and provides customized access control settings.

EasyEngine’s Approach to Security 

Like Webinoly, EasyEngine is also committed to providing a secure hosting environment for your applications. 

  • EasyEngine ensures every site created has SSL set up by default, and it also uses Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for additional trust and convenience.
  • Another significant advantage of EasyEngine is its automatic security updates, which help protect your applications from known vulnerabilities.
  • It streamlines installing and configuring fail2ban for added security, which safeguards your sites against unauthorized access attempts.

Firewall Implementation 

Both Webinoly and EasyEngine utilize firewall implementations to further ramp up security. They automatically enable these firewalls, reducing the exposure to potential security threats. 

Audit Logs and Monitoring 

Keeping track of what happens on your server is essential from a security standpoint. Thankfully, both Webinoly and EasyEngine allow for comprehensive audit logs and regular monitoring to track and respond to any suspicious activity swiftly. 

Securing Data with Backups 

Besides the security features, both tools offer data backup options. Having regular backups provides an additional security layer, allowing easy restoration of your applications and data if a security breach occurs.

WordPress Integration: Seamless Experience

There’s no ignoring the fact that WordPress is a major player in the world of digital content. As such, the integration process of both Webinoly and EasyEngine with WordPress can be a significant factor in your decision-making process. Smooth WordPress integration equates to a seamless and efficient work experience, and both tools strive for just that. Yet, key differences exist. This section will dissect the specific features, benefits, and drawbacks attached to each tool’s WordPress integration.

Points of Integration 

Webinoly and EasyEngine differ in how they connect with WordPress. Webinoly uses an optimized LEMP stack for its integration, leveraging the power of Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP to deliver a streamlined experience. On the other hand, EasyEngine offers a Docker-based WordPress setup, providing smoother containerization and version management. 

WordPress Set-up and Installation 

Both Webinoly and EasyEngine shine when it comes to WordPress installation. Webinoly simplifies the process by enabling one-click WordPress installs, whereas EasyEngine impresses with its command-line interface, which paves the way for fast, effortless WordPress installations and automated setup tasks. 

WordPress Management 

Despite the similarities in WordPress set-up, the management features vary. Webinoly stands out for its extensive set of management commands, updating, backing up, and restoring websites with ease. EasyEngine, meanwhile, offers the ability to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single interface–a huge advantage for users juggling various web properties. 

WordPress Performance 

Webinoly promises fast WordPress speeds due to its use of optimal server configurations and cache systems. However, EasyEngine also makes a robust case for itself with WordPress-specific optimizations, dynamic caching, and Nginx direct delivery – functionalities aimed to enhance your site’s speed and performance. 

Notable WordPress-specific Features 

Each tool brings something unique to the table in terms of WordPress-specific features. For instance, Webinoly offers SEO-friendly URLs, custom error pages, and unrestricted access to configuration files. EasyEngine, on the contrary, provides Docker-ready WordPress installations, allowing you to bundle your WordPress site with all necessary services for more manageable deployments.

Support and Community: The Power of Community

    Critical to both Webinoly and EasyEngine is not just the functionality and features they provide, but also the support and community that accompany these tools. This community serves as a rich base of knowledge, brimming with experienced users ready to assist with any issues or complications you might run into. The effectiveness and receptiveness of their support teams also play a pivotal role in shaping users’ experiences. 

The Art of Support: Webinoly vs EasyEngine 

    Getting the right help at the right time can undoubtedly make a considerable difference. For Webinoly, user support comes in the form of a dedicated forum filled with extensive discussions and solutions. There’s also a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and informative documentation, to guide you seamlessly through any problem that might arise.  

    EasyEngine, on the other hand, boasts a more interactive approach towards user support. It has an active community forum, and also offers support via Slack, which enables instant communication and assistance from fellow users and the support team alike. Moreover, their documentation is thorough and regularly updated, making troubleshooting a much less daunting task. 

Community Power: A Valuable Resource 

    The community that surrounds a tool isn’t just a place for troubleshooting. It’s also a hub of innovation where ideas are exchanged and advancements are spurred. Both Webinoly and EasyEngine are backed by active and helpful communities who extend their knowledge and assistance to others in their troupe. This makes navigating the intricacies of these tools a profoundly more manageable task. 

Community Involvement in Development 

    Users play an active role in shaping the development of both tools. Whether it’s through participating in discussions to list bugs, suggesting new features, or simply engaging in the exchange of ideas, the community helps steer the direction of development, allowing it to cater more to end users’ needs and preferences. 

Benefits of a Strong Community Support 

  • Speedy solutions: Active communities often mean quicker responses to issues and problems. Other users might have faced and solved the same problem you’re experiencing.
  • Knowledge exchange: Communities are a hub of experience and knowledge. You can learn a lot just from the past discussions.
  • Development input: Users in the community can directly give feedback and suggest improvements, making the development of the tools more tailored to your needs.

Pricing: What Are the Costs Involved

When choosing between Webinoly and EasyEngine, two powerful web server management tools, one crucial aspect any webmaster needs to ponder is pricing. It’s not only about the initial investment but the overall cost of running these different tools. Here, we’re going to discuss in more in-depth about the cost factors involved, revolving around both the free features and any add-ons that may require additional payment.

Free Version Availability 

Fortunately for individuals or small businesses on a limited budget, both EasyEngine and Webinoly freely offer a solid set of features. The essential functions required to manage your website reliably and efficiently are included in the default package at no charge. Users get to enjoy robust tools to set up and manage their website comfortably. 

Premium Features & Add-ons 

Although EasyEngine and Webinoly are primarily free to use, they also feature premium add-ons or services. These are designed to supplement the users’ web management experience by offering advanced capabilities. This section comes at additional costs and, most times, caters to the needs of larger websites or users with specific technical requirements. 

Cost of Technical Support 

Another cost factor that comes into play when comparing Webinoly and EasyEngine is the cost of technical support. Although both tools have vast online communities that users can turn to for support, professional and dedicated technical support may require an additional fee. 

Upgrading and Maintenance Costs 

While using these tools, it’s also essential to consider possible future costs. Upgrades, updates, and maintenance are all part of keeping your platform running smoothly and securely. Remember, these potential costs can add up over time, morphing into a significant investment. 

Cost-Benefit Analysis 

Finally, when evaluating the costs of Webinoly and EasyEngine, make sure to analyze the benefits your site should gain from the investment. A more expensive tool maybe your best bet if it results in better website performance, less downtime, and higher customer satisfaction. Weighing the cost against improvements in these areas can help you make an informed decision. 

Conclusion: Making Your Decision

In summing up, both Webinoly and EasyEngine have their strengths and unique features, making them powerful tools for managing servers and WordPress installations. Your preference between the two will largely depend on your specific needs, technical expertise, and your future growth plans. Each offers robust performance, scalability and security measures, with interfaces that cater to different user experiences

Finally, it’s essential to factor in the associated costs and support availability when choosing between Webinoly and EasyEngine. In the end, the decision rests with you, the user, to find the tool that best aligns with your objectives and provides the most value for your projects.

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